'Nduja Calabrian delights

Nduja Delicacies of Calabria.

'Nduja Calabrian delights.
The company was founded in 1985 from the idea of the Scalise family to recover a food model and a Calabrian peasant tradition that were slowly disappearing. The first step was therefore to collect the oral tradition transmitted by peasant culture by becoming the spokesperson for the Calabrian land and its humble and strong people. This is why Delizie di Calabria is not only a company that produces great gastronomic specialities, but it is also a piece of history of an ancient land that has roots in Greek and Latin civilization and which has deeply participated in the history of Europe. And in this land Delizie di Calabria wants to continue its journey. Started as a small family-run business at the foot of the city of Catanzaro, between the Sila mountains and the Ionian sea, today the company covers an area of 4000 square meters and is present on the market with over one hundred specialties exported all over the world. Delizie di Calabria is not just a name, but the ideal place where typical Calabrian products converge and are exalted, such as Calabrian chilli pepper, Tropea red onion, Nduja, Sila porcini mushrooms and many high specialties prepared and preserved according to ancient traditions that have made the flavors of this millenary land unique and unmistakable.

 Delights of Calabria

Delights of Calabria

There 'Nduja is a spicy, spreadable Italian pork cured meat originally from Calabria in southern Italy. It is made from a combination of minced pork, typically shoulder or belly, and Calabrian chili peppers, which give it its characteristic spicy flavour. The preparation of 'nduja involves mincing the pork and mixing it with salt and spices, including the Calabrian chilli pepper, known for its spiciness. The mixture is then traditionally stuffed into natural casings, such as pork casings, and aged for several months. The result is a soft and spreadable cured meat with a bright red color and intense spiciness. 'Nduja is commonly used as a condiment or ingredient in Italian cuisine. It can be spread on bread, crackers or sandwiches and its spicy flavor can add spice to various dishes. It is often incorporated into pasta sauces, stews and pizzas, where it imparts a rich, smoky, spicy taste. In recent years, the 'nduja it has gained popularity outside of Italy and can now be found in specialty food shops and gourmet markets in various parts of the world. It has become a trending ingredient used by chefs and cooking enthusiasts to add a fiery edge to their creations. It's worth noting that 'nduja is quite spicy, so if you're not used to heating it, you may want to use it sparingly or mix it with other ingredients to soften the spiciness.

'Nduja Calabrian delights (180gr) €3.99
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


Soft spreadable salami of predominantly red colour, decidedly spicy but not too much, with sweet nuances in the finish. Excellent with bruschetta or sauce (in addition with tomato sauce cooked with Tropea IGP onions) for pasta.

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