Galbani Charterhouse

Galbani Charterhouse

Galbani Charterhouse. The Galbani company was founded in 1882 thanks to Egidio Galbani in a dairy located in Ballabio. In 1896 Egidio Galbani moved to a farmhouse in Melzo, to work there as a milkman, the area was favorable for the dairy industry thanks to the abundance of water available to grow fodder. Galbani since 2006 it has belonged to the French group of Groupe Lactalis, the first producer in the world in the dairy sector, with a turnover of 17.3 billion euros and over 75,000 collaborators worldwide.

Rating: a classic slightly bitter soft cheese excellent with bruschetta or who likes it, as an alternative to cooking cream for first and second courses.

Article Categories:
Galbani · Dairy product · Manufacturers

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