Ponti Peperlizia Rice Salad with Porcini Mushrooms

Rice with Porcini Mushrooms

Bridges was born in 1787 in Sizzano in the province of Novara, the year in which the family Bridges meets vinegar. It is the beginning of a story that has lasted for 9 generations. From a small reality, Bridges to the big company. From the local to the international dimension.

Rice salad dressing with porcini mushrooms.

Ingredients: Vegetables in variable proportions (peppers *, artichokes, cucumbers, carrots, green olives, black olives, capers) 53%, water, wine vinegar, cultivated champignons (Agaricus bisporus) * 8%, sunflower oil, sugar, salt, porcini mushrooms (Boletus edulis and related group) 1%, flavorings, antioxidant: ascorbic acid.

(*) Sulphites.

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