In the post-apocalyptic world, a victim of tyranny and barbarism, six brave heroes fight against imposed prohibition. In the depths of the catacombs they have built small breweries, with extraordinary skill, attention to detail and marked inventiveness deriving from their unstoppable survival instinct. Well hidden by the guards, they work tirelessly to create extraordinary beers. For the "Valiant Six" (as sympathizers call them) brewing beer is not just a job.
The label says: before Prohibition, he ran a renowned institution, where young people could study the art of beer production. He is known as “il Mastro”. It was he who founded the valiant community to oppose the imposed prohibition. Ever since he was shot in the face in an ambush, he has been hiding it under a hat pulled down over his head. He wants to avoid that his terrible appearance is linked to the strong but very harmonious taste of his Imperial Stout.
The combination of fermentation aromas of pure yeasts and selected roasted malts gives off a caramelized, malty and toasted flavor. Thanks to its deep black color and creamy foam, the “del Mastro” Imperial Stout does not go unnoticed among other specialties.
Imperial Stout beer
The combination of fermentation aromas of pure yeasts and selected roasted malts gives off a caramelized, malty and toasted flavor. Thanks to its deep black color and creamy foam, the “del Mastro” Imperial Stout does not go unnoticed among other specialties.
- water
- Barley malt
- Hop extract