A "flour" is a finely ground product; the individual fragments are not distinguishable to the eye and to the touch it is like an impalpable powder, such as talc or cocoa powder. The "semolina" is a flour whose grains are clearly visible and perceptible to the touch like sugar (granulated). Semolina can be classified according to the granulometry: coarse semolina (600-800 microns), medium semolina (400-600 microns), semolina (0-300 microns), re-milled semolina depending on the size of the grains, sizes ranging from 0 , 3 to 1.5 mm [3]. The terms “granita” or “bramata” flour are also used. These are also semolina: granita flour often corresponds to semolina (durum wheat); bramata normally refers to coarse-grained cornmeal. The term grits (sand) or gritz refers to semolina, generally made from durum wheat or corn.