All posts in: Latterie Riunite

Latterie Riunite was born in Ragusa on November 26, 1959. The sixties were on the way, the ibleo “massaro” raised cattle and produced milk, transforming it into “pruouli”, “caci” and “cosacavaddu”.
A production limited to family needs. A typical activity of that period was that of the "lattarari" who, getting daily supplies of milk from the "massari", resold it in the city, turning in the various streets and "vanidduzze" where the housewives were ready, with "nappe and scutedde" , to fill them with a "cannata" of the delicious food. Not all the milk collected from the various farms was sold and, as there were no means of refrigeration or conservation, the remains were lost. Recovering the precious product was the input that made 17 people organize to collect the milk, with the intention of transforming it into dairy products. With the registration at the Court of Ragusa n.736 of November 26, 1959, the adventure of the Cooperative Latterie Riunite of Ragusa officially began, completed with the registration at the Chamber of Commerce of Ragusa on December 11, 1959.

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