All posts in: Parmareggio

In 1959 the adventure of the Granterre Consortium began, when eight dairies in the Parmigiano Reggiano area created the Social Dairy Consortium, with the task of collecting the cream and butter from the contributing members and transforming them into the industrial plant owned by the Cooperative. Over the years the Consortium has grown, through acquisitions and the expansion of the sphere of its activities, to become today a cooperative that associates individual producers and dairies representing about 1,000 agricultural companies. In 2004 the Granterre Consortium acquired the ownership of Parmareggio, the company founded in 1983 in Montecavolo di Quattro Castella in the hills of Reggio in the area of origin of Parmigiano Reggiano, transforming the industrial and commercial soul and becoming a world leader in a few years. in the production and marketing of Parmigiano Reggiano.
This acquisition marks a change in the commercial strategies and in the brand image, to which is added the launch of the new product range. In fact, in 2006, the Parmareggio Project was launched, with the specific intent of creating a brand in the undifferentiated world of Parmigiano Reggiano. The ability to innovate was also a determining element that allowed, through intense research, to develop new products and above all new opportunities for consuming Parmigiano Reggiano.

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