All posts in: Salerno sisters

Salerno sisters is the name of Nunzia, Michela and Giuseppina. They are the three Salerno Sisters, the ones who played in the grain warehouses as children and who grew up with that scent and attention typical of Southern Italian families. In fact, the Salerno family began in the 40s when Giovanni, husband and father of the current owners, and Gino, brother-in-law and uncle of the same, started the cereal trade using carts and mules for the delivery of products. An essential role was that of Mamma Sina (abbreviation of Teresita), who from home has always been close to Papa Giovanni and her three daughters with some advice or anecdote, useful for moving forward with confidence.

The goodness of Salerno pasta comes from the strength of the family. Even today, during the harvest period, no one can move to the summer residence a few kilometers from the company, because you have to stay on the spot, where everyone gives his contribution: those who take care of the children, those of the house, those of the fields, who of other daily commitments. Mamma Sina always takes care of the kitchen, her kingdom, making sure that, when you return home after a long day of work, there is always something fresh and genuine to eat. The recipes are those that her mother taught her to cook and which she still makes today in the exact same way: meatballs, salads, pasta with chickpeas or cod.

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