All posts in: Nino Castiglione

The Nino Castiglione company was founded in Sicily in 1933 by Nino Castiglione in a small factory in Trapani. Soon the business moved to an ancient tonnara overlooking the sea. We are at a time when there are many traps in the area and the fishing and processing of tuna are already part of the culture of the place: the tuna fishermen, local workers who grew up fishing for bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean, lower their nets according to complex but environmentally friendly systems, criteria that safeguard small fish and reduce incidental fishing of other species. It is here that the Castiglione family, thanks to the wisdom of tradition and the passion for the sea, begins to work the tuna. The great professionalism and tireless dedication make the business grow steadily: the historic site, recovered leaving the original plant unchanged, is joined by new warehouses and factories, modern cold rooms, production plants and cutting-edge packaging lines, sophisticated laboratories for quality control. Today that ancient trap has become an accredited reality in the world, capable of combining modernity and tradition, passion and technology, where we operate on an industrial level but according to the principles of the past, respecting the sea and the fishing tradition.

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