Mozzarella Sole Nuvoletta Panetto

Mozzarella Sole Panetto

It all begins with the knight Salvatore Puglisi Cosentino, a landowner, who decides one day to buy a pregnant cow destined for slaughter. One cow, two cows, ten cows… soon a farm was built. The nutritional and detoxifying properties of milk were still little known in Sicily. And in Catania there was still no milk plant to pasteurize it.

It is 1954: the Sicilian Milk and the ultra-modern Catania plant in Canalicchio. In the new Cavaliere livestock farms, the cows, fed only with fresh fodder and supplemented with vitamin complexes, rest and move around in comfortable spaces.

1958: the production of the first sterilized milk in glass bottles under the Sole brand begins, which stands out for its high quality, thanks also to constant sanitation checks. After the "mechanical milking" (which guaranteed absolute hygiene) the milk was transported to Silat Siciliana Latte SpA to be sterilized and bottled. And become the famous Latte Sole.

1960 The 1960s:
vintage process and product innovation

In 1963 the micronized milk gala with cream and enriched with vitamin D3 was launched, in the most innovative package of the moment: the tetra-pak.

In 1965, in order to respond to the growing demands of the market, the zootechnical plant was enlarged and the Gala plant was established. An industrial jewel where the first tetra-pak machines for long-life milk and the packaging line for sterilized milk in glass bottles are activated. The range of production widens: yogurt, cream, cheeses, butter.

1970 The 70s:
national development

In the 70s under the guidance of Dr. Alfio Puglisi Cosentino, son of the Cavaliere, the Gala Group grows strongly. Gala Italia was born and, thanks to acquisitions of companies in Central and Northern Italy, the “Sole” brand reaches national diffusion: it is the first case of a Sicilian company capable of affirming itself on the entire Italian market.

In recent years the corporate image has been strengthened with the creation of the new brand: the lawn and the sun, which from now on will represent the synthesis of Sicilianity, energy, genuineness.

1980 The 1980s:
leadership on the Sicilian market

In the 1980s, the Gala decided to dedicate itself solely to consolidating its position of leadership and technological excellence in the Sicilian panorama.

To confirm the high quality standard of the products, a new factory is designed in the Ragusa area, the territory that with its plateaus was and still is the Sicilian province where the best milk and dairy products are produced.

1990 The 90s:
a growing range, a stronger image

In 1991 the new Ragusa plant dedicated to the production of mozzarella, ricotta, scamorze and other cheeses was inaugurated.

In the same year, the new Nuvoletta mozzarella was launched on the market, which, due to its characteristics of softness, flavor and freshness, was immediately a great success. An incisive advertising campaign supports the launch of the product, associated with the image of the cow "Nuvoletta".

Since 1993, great attention has been dedicated to the continuous renewal and expansion of the range of products: eggs, stretched curd cheeses, mascarpone, stracchino, yogurt ...

2000 From 2000 to today:
the future is in synergy

February 14, 2001 marks an important stage: Gala Italia enters the Parmalat Group. A decisive step in a sector, the food one, marked by the intent to pursue the values of synergy, collaboration, the desire to provide consumers with increasingly high standards of performance and quality.

On this occasion and as a tribute to the product that has determined the birth and success of the company over the last 50 years, Gala Italia decides to change its corporate name to Latte Sole SPA. This opens a new chapter for the company which, for over two generations, has made its “Sun” shine above. The sun of the Sicilians.

From 1 January 2014, after the merger by incorporation into the Parmalat Group, Latte Sole continues to be one of the most representative island production companies, specializing in the production of milk, cream and cheeses and an important logistic and commercial center in Sicily.
To find out more, visit the section Parmalat Group.

Rating: the block of Sole mozzarella has a bitter and very soft taste (it lays water), several times purchased it remains a mediocre product, there is a lot to improve.

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