All the products: Burrata

There Burrata from Puglia is a type of Italian cheese originating from the Puglia region in southern Italy. It is a fresh cheese made from cow's milk and has a creamy and soft texture.

There burrata it is unique in that it has a thin outer shell made of mozzarella, while the inside is filled with a mixture of cream and stracciatella, which are soft, stringy curds. The process of making burrata involves stretching and shaping the mozzarella into a bag, then filling it with the creamy mixture before sealing it. This combination of textures and flavors makes Burrata a popular choice for salads, appetizers, and as a topping for various dishes. When opened, the creamy inside pours out, creating a rich and indulgent experience. Burrata is often enjoyed drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and paired with ingredients such as tomatoes, fresh basil, and balsamic vinegar for a classic Caprese salad.

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