All the products: San Paolo salami factory

San Paolo salami factory is a modern company that has been able to reconcile tradition and manufacturing secrets. Located in Traversetolo, in the province of Parma, it enjoys an exceptional position where the ideal climate and the right salinity of the area give the ham and cured meats qualities recognized throughout the world.

Already since 1974, San Paolo salami factory starts processing and production of Parma Ham which has been combined, for more than 20 years, with the production of Salame Felino PGI.

The area of origin of the fine cured meats, called Food Valley, is the cradle of the products St. Paul, an area of excellence that is synonymous with a guarantee of quality. Guarantee protected by two bodies: Parma Ham Consortium and Parma Ham Protection Consortium Salami Felino PGI , of which Salumificio San Paolo is proudly part.

The sweetness of Parma's ham, the authentic flavor of Salame Felino PGI and in cured meats, are appreciated in Italy and abroad.

For years, the San Paolo salami factory has obtained a series of important recognitions and certifications that allow it to export excellence and spread it around the world.

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