Bonanno vinegar

Bonanno vinegar

TOclass Bonanno of white wine provides for the selection of excellent wines, already in possession of the characteristics required by the particular process to which they will have to undergo. Put in barrels together with a precise amount of vinegar (in order to activate the natural process of acetification), the ideal fermentation conditions will be created to favor the development of the aromas that characterize white vinegar, which are always different depending on the raw material .

Ratings: the vinegar is fragrant and pleasant on the palate, it is still an "industrial" vinegar.

L'vinegar Bonanno begins in the early 1800s, in the estates located near the town of Misilmeri, in the province of Palermo with the production of excellent table wine. The evolution of the company began under the capable direction of the young Vincenzo (1863-1933) who, having moved to Palermo, set up a plant for the production of Bonanno vinegar and fortified wines, becoming in a short time one of the major producers of Muscat wine in the Sicily. With the subsequent management of the sons, Giusto and Giuseppe, the company expands its distribution area and adopts vinegar production and bottling methods, which will allow it to be highly competitive on the market and consolidate its commercial positioning up to ours. days.

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Foods · Bonanno · Oil and vinegar · Manufacturers

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