The Cantabrian Sea Anchovies Conad Sapori e Idee are fished in the Cantabrian Sea, a cold sea, and the anchovies accumulate a lot of fat to survive the winter. It is no coincidence that they are only caught in spring, when they have the right balance of meat and fat, which makes them extremely tasty.

The Cantábrian Sea it is the name given to a part of the Atlantic Ocean located on the northern coast of Spain, in the region of Cantabria, as well as in part of the autonomous communities of the Basque Country, Asturias and Galicia. This coastal region is known for its artistic beauty and its economic and cultural importance. Some characteristic features of the Cantabrian Sea include: Climate: The climate in the Cantabrian Sea region is oceanic, which means it is soft and humid all year round. Temperatures tend to be moderate, which is why they convert it into a popular destination for winter tourism. Fishing: Fishing is traditionally an important part of the economy of this region. El Mar Cantábrico is known for its abundant marine life, which includes species such as atún, anchoa and bacalao. Fishing is a source of livelihood for many coastal communities. Gastronomy: The Cantábrico Sea region is famous for its cuisine, which is based on seafood. Platos based on fish and seafood are abundant, and you can enjoy platos such as the “marmitako” (an guiso de atún), the “fabada asturiana” (a guiso de alubias) and the “sidra” (an alcoholic drink from manzana ) ) in the area. Natural beauty: The coast of the Cantábrico Sea is known for its impressive landscapes, which include acantilados, sandy beaches, green forests and small picturesque villages. Tourism is an important part of this region's economy due to its natural beauty. History and culture: The Cantábrian Sea region has a rich history and culture, with vestiges of ancient human evidence and a Celtic influence in some areas. Additionally, festivals and cultural events are celebrated throughout the year. In summary, the Cantábrico Sea is a coastal region in northern Spain with a rich cultural heritage, an economy linked to fishing and tourism, and impressive natural beauty. It is a popular destination for those who wish to enjoy the food, culture and seascapes.