Biollicine Rosè Cantine Europa

Biollicine Rosè Cantine Europa

The wine Biollicine Rosé Cantine Europa it is an entirely Sicilian sparkling wine. It is soft on the nose, fine and fruity, with floral notes. Fresh and structured on the palate, with sensations of red fruit and delicate spices followed by balsamic notes.

Ratings: good fresh and slightly sparkling organic wine gives a very full freshness.

Cantine Europa is an agricultural cooperative founded in 1962 in Petrosino in the province of Trapani. Today the Europa winery boasts 2,100 members and over 6000 hectares of land planted with vineyards, between the provinces of Trapani, Agrigento and Palermo. Here, the gentle hills of Western Sicily, kissed by the sun and caressed by a mild and well-ventilated climate, overlook a very blue sea, recreating a unique environment, naturally suited to advanced and selective wine growing. The countless combination of factors such as the type of grape "cultivar" (local and international), the characteristics of the soil, the exposure of the vineyards and the skilful combination of ancient and modern techniques, means that Cantine Europa has been a point of reference in the sector for almost 60 years, building value to and from the territory.

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Cantine Europa · Wines

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