There Beer Ichnusa was born in Cagliari in via Marche in 1913 thanks to Antonio Birocchi and Aristide Giorgetti shortly after also Francesco Vincenzi. Ichnusa it takes its name from a Greek word of the island Ἰχνοῦσσα, Ichnôussa or Icnussa and can be translated as Imprint. In 1986 the brand Ichnusa beer it was purchased by the multinational Heineken Italia SpA which maintains the recipe and also the factory. Full-bodied beer because it is made with pure barley malt. Not being filtered, it has a pleasantly veiled appearance thanks to the yeasts left in suspension. It offers a soft drink with a slight bitter note in the finish. Its image, inspired by the past, is iconic and distinctive and perfectly respects the personality of a truly unique beer in just 5% vol. of alcohol to drink at about 3 degrees C ..