Polara Orange Drink Kiosk

Orange soda Chioschi Polara

Chioschì the traditional drink with Sicilian IGP and DOP citrus fruits.

Polara began producing soft drinks in 1953 and the unique flavor of the past has remained unchanged. The attention to quality and the choice of selected ingredients, rigorously Made in Sicily, has remained unchanged.
In over half a century of passion and dedication, Polara has maintained the artisan quality of its origins, the love for its land and for the wonderful citrus fruits it donated, reinterpreting the secrets and traditional recipes through a dynamic and advanced organization thanks to which the Modica company has today expanded the boundaries of its distribution, overseeing the various segments of the soft drink market, to become one of the most important realities in the beverage field in Sicily, southern Italy and the Mediterranean area.

Sicilian orange juice kiosk Polara drinks (1.25 lt) 0.95
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency
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