Cone Penguin Sigel

Sigel Pinguino cone, hazelnut ice cream cone, covered with cocoa and chopped hazelnuts.

Cone Penguin Sigel, hazelnut ice cream cone, covered with cocoa and chopped hazelnuts.

The Artisan Gelato of Sicily Sigel was founded in 1972 in Marsala by Onofrio D'Amico, forefather of a generation of ice cream makers and ice cream artisans. The small workshop in the center of the city of Marsala immediately experienced a very rapid growth, given the success in the city of artisanal productions.

What initially was characterized as an almost exclusively family-run business, gradually became an established and well-known company throughout Sicily, growing at the same time as the progress of the history and economy of both Italy and the island. The story of Sigel it is in fact, in absolute terms, an emblematic story of Italian entrepreneurial and artisan excellence: since the Eighties the growth phase has accompanied the change in consumption and tastes of society, kidnapped by commercial television and by the new methods of narrating products. In the nineties for the Sigel the consecration as a point of reference for the Sicilian artisan ice cream parlor arrives, until the opening, with the advent of the new millennium, of a new plant, located in the industrial area of Marsala, next to the other giants of the island's entrepreneurs even. Today, less than fifty years after its birth, the Artisan Gelato di Sicilia Sigel distributes its products throughout Italy, establishing itself everywhere for the quality of its products, always new and always in step with the news and needs of consumers.

Cone Penguin Sigel 4.99
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


Do you want to rediscover the taste of the past? Do you remember the Algida Ball cone? ... then this is for you !!!! You immediately notice, at the first bite, the quality of the products that were used once.

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