Cosacavaddu Seasoned Classic Pezzoni Sicilformaggi

Cosacavaddu cheese

The seasoned Cosacavaddu is a cheese similar to "Caciocavallo" which takes on small spicy notes.

Sicilformaggi was born Santa Ninfa thanks to the brothers Tommaso and Matteo Palmeri, who together produce cheeses of the dearest Sicilian culinary tradition. Thus was born Sicilformaggi with the first factory in via Ugo Bassi. The Palmeri family's cheese trade, which began in nearby markets, soon reaches the gates of large Italian cities.

Cosacavaddu Seasoned Sicilian Classic Pezzoni Pezzoni (200 gr) € 2.40
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency
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