Diced mozzarella Santa Lucia Galbani

Galbani Santa Lucia Mozzarella cubes 150 g

Cubes of Mozzarella Saint Lucia Galbani, already cut into small cubes. Egidio Galbani in 1882 he founded in Ballabio, in Valsassina, the “Dairy Davide Galbani” named by Egidio after his father, with the production of the famous “robiola”, the first Italian raw cheese created to compete with French luxury products.

Diced mozzarella Santa Lucia Galbani (150 grams) € 2.70
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


I no longer find mozzarella as it once was, fragrant and tasty. For those who want to save time and / or convenience, they can buy it already chopped. Ideal for pizza in an electric and wood oven. 

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