Gastronauta Caffe Pods

Gastronauta Caffé Waffles

Gastronauta Caffé Universal pods, with 80% arabica. The pack contains 50 pods of 7 grams each.

Arabica coffee

“Arabic Coffee” means coffee obtained from the beans of the Coffea arabica plant. Arabica coffee is one of the two main species of coffee beans used for commercial coffee production, the other being Coffea robusta. Arabica coffee is known for its delicate flavor, acidity and aromatic qualities. It is generally believed to have a higher quality and more desirable taste than robusta coffee. Arabica coffee plants are grown in various regions of the world, particularly at higher altitudes with cooler temperatures. Some of the famous Arabica coffee producing countries include Ethiopia, Colombia, Brazil, and Costa Rica. Specific growing conditions, such as altitude, climate, and soil, can greatly influence the flavor profile of Arabica coffee. The beans are generally harvested, processed, roasted, and ground to produce the final coffee product. Arabica coffee is often associated with specialty and gourmet coffees due to its nuanced flavors and higher acidity than robusta. It is commonly used in espresso blends and is a popular choice for those who appreciate the subtleties of coffee flavors.
Gastronauta Caffé Waffles €6.99
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency
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Coffee · Gastronaut

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