Pesto gnocchi with Pecorino Romano DOP Italiamo Lidl

Pesto gnocchi with Pecorino Romano DOP

Gnocchi al pesto with Pecorino Romano DOP, a quick and tasty first course.

There Lidl was born in Germany in 1930s thanks to the success of a company from Neckarsulm in Baden-Württember which was involved in the wholesale sale of food products. Lidl's efficient business model led to rapid company growth: 15 years later 450 stores had already opened in Germany and by the end of the 1980s Lidl had spread beyond German borders. The Lidl sign, belonging to the Schwarz Group, is now present in 32 countries in the world and is active in 29 with a network of over 11,200 points of sale is more than 310,000 employeesLidl has been present in Italy since 1992, year of the opening of the first store in Arzignano in the province of Vicenza. Today it is one of the realities of large-scale distribution in Italy that counts beyond 680 supermarkets. The General Management is located in Arcole, in the province of Verona and has more than 600 collaborators. At national level there are over 18,500 people who are part of the great Lidl team and who make this Chain the point of reference for spending by millions of Italians. The offer consists of the 85% private label, the result of close collaborations with regional and local partners. In addition to the Arcole headquarters, Lidl Italia is structured in 10 Regional Directions who have operational responsibility for the points of sale and the related logistics platform. THE 10 distribution centers throughout the territory.

The gnocchi is a type of Italian “pasta” traditionally made from a mixture of mashed potatoes, flour, and sometimes eggs. The dough is typically rolled into a rope, cut into small pieces and then shaped, often with the tines of a fork, to create ridges that can hold the sauce. Gnocchi is a versatile dish and can be seasoned with various sauces, such as tomato sauce, pesto, brown butter and sage, or creamy sauces. It is a popular food in Italian cuisine and is enjoyed in many parts of the world.

Pesto gnocchi with Pecorino Romano DOP Italiamo Lidl (500 gr.) 1.49
  • Quality
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