Fresh potato gnocchi Conad Sapori Ideas

Fresh potato gnocchi Conad

Fresh potato gnocchi Conad Sapori Idee, with fresh steamed potatoes.

Conad Sapori Idee fresh potato gnocchi with Sicilian cherry sauce

The gnocchi is a type of Italian “pasta” traditionally made from a mixture of mashed potatoes, flour, and sometimes eggs. The dough is typically rolled into a rope, cut into small pieces and then shaped, often with the tines of a fork, to create ridges that can hold the sauce. The gnocchi they are a versatile dish and can be seasoned with various sauces, such as tomato sauce, pesto, brown butter and sage, or creamy sauces. It is a popular food in Italian cuisine and is enjoyed in many parts of the world.

Fresh potato gnocchi Conad Sapori Idee (500 g) €2.69
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