Motta Buondì with Chocolate

Motta Buondì with Chocolate

Motta Good morning al Cioccolato, for a chocolate-flavored Italian breakfast produced by the Motta company. It's a delicious way to start the day!

Angelo Motta was an Italian pastry chef and entrepreneur best known for founding the Motta brand, which produces a variety of baked goods, including cakes, pastries, and snacks. Motta was born in 1885 in Cassano Magnago, a town in Lombardy, and began working as a pastry chef at a very young age.

In 1919 Motta he founded his pastry shop in Milan, which quickly became popular for its high quality products and elegant atmosphere. Over the next few years Motta continued to expand his business and eventually began producing a range of baked goods for sale in other shops and supermarkets.

In 1962 Motta introduced one of its most famous products, the Panettone Motta, a traditional Italian Christmas dessert that quickly became a holiday favorite. Today the Motta brand is known throughout Italy and beyond for its high quality baked goods and continues to be a beloved part of Italian culinary culture.

Angel Motta died in 1952, but his legacy lives on through the brand Motta.

Price detector

Motta Buondì with Chocolate (6x46 gr - 276 grams) €1.99
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