OHI Vita Red Lentils

OHI Vita Red Lentils

OHI Vita Red Lentils are small and hulled, which means they have no external coating.

Red lentils

Red lentils are characterized by their orange-red color when cooked. They are small and shelled, which means they have no outer covering. This makes them particularly quick to cook, as they do not require soaking and the cooking time is relatively short. Red lentils are commonly used in cooking to make soups and other vegetarian or vegan dishes. Their creamy consistency also makes them suitable for the preparation of purees, sauces and velvety soups. From a nutritional point of view, red lentils are rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron and other essential nutrients.
OHI Vita Red Lentils (300g)
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


The skin goes away during cooking.

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