Paceca Lentils

Paceca Lentils

Paceca lentils are grown in the province of Trapani in Sicily.

Paceca, is a family-run business, they mainly produce extra virgin olive oil since 1868. The Piacentino brothers Giuseppe and Massimo add the passion and experience of their work to the strong aromas and flavors of this island of Sicily. . The result is a high quality extra virgin olive oil.

  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


Lentils "Lens culinaris " There are many finest Italian varieties and correspond to local ecotypes: Lentil of Castelluccio di Norcia, Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Ustica, Onano, Rascino, Altamura, Colfiorito, Villalba Ventotene, and Mormanno. 

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