Pandittaino 4 Maxi Hamburgers

Pandittaino 4 Maxi Hamburgers

Pandittaino 4 Hamburger, good as a snack, best grilled with sausage and pink sauce.

Valle del Dittaino Agricultural Cooperative Society is an agricultural cooperative based in Sicily, Italy. The cooperative was founded in 1961 and is located in the province of Catania, in the eastern part of the island.

The Dittaino Valley focuses on the cultivation and production of high quality fruit and vegetables, including oranges, lemons, tangerines and other citrus fruits, as well as olives, tomatoes and other crops. The cooperative operates on a cooperative model, with its members working together to produce and distribute their products.

Valle del Dittaino is committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices and the cooperative has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable farming methods. These include using renewable energy sources, reducing water usage and minimizing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers.

The cooperative's products are sold both nationally and internationally and are highly appreciated for their quality and flavour. The Valle del Dittaino brand is a symbol of excellence in Sicilian agriculture, and bears witness to the commitment and dedication of the cooperative's members.

Pandittaino 4 Maxi Hamburgers (300 gr) €1.49
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency
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