Poiatti Fili d'Oro pasta

Pasta Poiatti Fili d'Oro

Poiatti Fili d'Oro pasta, are thinly sliced spaghetti that have a delicate and light texture. It is not just cut spaghetti but a tasty format that satisfies the palates of children and adults.

Ratings: the pasta is of excellent quality, Poiatti uses only Sicilian wheat. In Sicily, this pasta shape is mainly used for pasta with fish "pasta chi pisci".

Poiatti pasta was born in 1946 in Mazara del vallo in the province of Trapani. Poiatti is a unique pasta because it is made with the best wheat, the Sicilian one. Thanks to Domenico Poiatti, owner of ancient mills, in a very difficult period for Italy he had the intuition to create a pasta factory in Mazara del Vallo, in Sicily. Today that tradition continues thanks to the sons Giovanni and Maurizio who inherited their passion for pasta from their father. Poiatti today produces 100 pasta shapes, from durum wheat semolina to egg, from bronze drawn to Cous Cous. The wheat used for the pasta is Sicilian, obtained with selected wheat.

Pasta Poiatti Fili d & #039; Gold
  • 95%
    Quality - 95%
  • 100%
    Smell - 100%
  • 90%
    View - 90%
  • 90%
    Consistency - 90%
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