Pastina Armando Italian durum wheat

Pastina Armando Italian durum wheat

The Stelline pasta by Armando they are much loved by children for their playful appearance, they recall the stars that shine far away in the sky. Bronze drawn, ideal in broth, vegetable or meat, soups and velvety

La Pastine Armando they are made with only high quality Italian 100% wheat, coming from the Farmers supply chain and complying with the rigorous standards of the Armando Cultivation Regulations.


Pasta Armando belongs to De Matteis Agroalimentare which was born in 1993 from an idea of two entrepreneurial families who have been working together for more than 50 years in the construction sector. The pasta is made from 100% Italian durum wheat semolina from the Armando supply chain and water, bronze drawing and slow drying. The Armando's wheat it is made using only two ingredients processed according to the traditional method. The special flavor is recognizable among a thousand. The plant is located in Campania, on the slopes of the Apennines, near the main durum wheat growing areas (Irpinia, Puglia, Basilicata).

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