Pinsami Heart Italian Pinsa

Pinsami Heart Italian Pinsa

Pinsami Cuore Italiano, the pinsa dough is made with 3 different flours: wheat, soy and rice flour. This mixture, together with the dried sourdough, creates a very hydrated dough, favors a long leavening a very digestible dough and helps to make the pinsa always fragrant and crunchy. Pinsa Romana is a type of pizza originating in Rome, Italy. It is a variation of the traditional pizza and is known for its unique shape and light, crunchy texture. The dough used for pinsa romana is typically made with a combination of wheat, soy, and rice flours, which gives it a distinct flavor and texture. The dough is fermented for an extended period, resulting in a light and airy crust. The Roman pinsa is typically elongated into an oval or rectangular shape, rather than the traditional round pizza shape. It is then topped with a variety of ingredients, including classic pizza toppings such as tomato sauce, cheese, and various meats or vegetables. The term "pinsa" comes from the Latin word "pinsere", which means to stretch or press. This refers to the unique stretching technique used to shape the dough. The final product is cooked in a hot oven, resulting in a crispy and flavorful pizza. Pinsa Romana has gained popularity in recent years and can now also be found in pizzerias and restaurants outside Italy. It offers a delicious alternative to traditional pizza and is worth a try if you can find it.

Pinsami Heart Italian Pinsa (2x230 gr) €3.50
  • Quality
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  • Flavor
  • Consistency
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