Pistils of Saffron Gaber

Pistils of Saffron Gaber

Pistils of Saffron Gaber, the color and the scent they are concentrated in the stigmas. cross, (color), picrocrocin (taste) e safranal (aroma).

Saffron pistils, also called saffron threads or stigmas, are a very valuable and expensive spice derived from the flower of the Crocus sativus plant. The threads are actually the female reproductive organs of the plant, and are carefully harvested by hand before being dried and sold.

Saffron has a distinctive flavor and aroma, with a slightly sweet, floral taste and a pungent, earthy scent. It is commonly used in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Indian cuisines, where it is often added to rice dishes, stews, soups and sauces.

In addition to its culinary uses, saffron has also been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and mood-boosting properties, and has been used to treat a range of health conditions, from depression and anxiety to menstrual cramps and digestive problems.

Due to its high cost, saffron is often sold in small quantities and should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to preserve its flavor and aroma.

Pistils of Saffron Gaber (0.5 grams) €5.80
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency
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Spices and flavorings

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