Norwegian Kv Nordic Smoked Salmon

Norwegian smoked salmon KvNordic

Nordic Smoked Norwegian Salmon, a brand owned by Eurofood spa, A leading company in the import and distribution in Italy of important international food specialties.

Kv Nordic selects the best qualities and origins of salmon to guarantee a quality smoked salmon, with a unique taste, with a thousand nuances and extremely delicate. The KV Nordic salmon is worked with great passion following long and rigorous procedures guaranteed, in all the processing phases of the smoked salmon, starting from the breeding (water and feeding), from the fishing of the raw material, to the cleaning, through the salting, for finish in the delicate smoking phase which represents the true know-how of the brand. The exclusive smoking methods that conclude the processing cycles are decisive for the taste. The KV Nordic smoked salmon is also an ally of our health thanks to the content of Omega 3, an essential element of which salmon is naturally rich, capable of carrying out an important preventive function against cardiovascular diseases.

Norwegian smoked salmon KvNordic € 4.99
  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


The salmon looks good, thin slice that doesn't break. Excellent non-pungent smoking in the finish.

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