Pizzutello Siccagno Pacecoto Sauce Ancient Flavors of Sicily

Pizzutello Siccagno Pacecoto Sauce Ancient Flavors of Sicily

The sauce Ancient flavors of Sicily of Pacecoto pizzutello tomato, is a ready-made sauce, to season first courses or base to enrich with other ingredients, for sauces with stronger flavors. After harvesting, it is first washed and then boiled. After boiling, the tomato is drained from the water and then everything is passed through a machine that separates the sauce from the remains. The sauce is seasoned and brought to boil in a large pot, finally, it is bottled and pasteurized.

Ancient flavors of Sicily was born in Marsala in 1990, thanks to the ingenuity and the Sicilian recipes, which are jealously preserved and guarded by the Zerilli family. Initially the sale of products Ancient flavors of Sicily was intended exclusively for a niche of friends, currently the company produces a wide range of typical Sicilian products, which are brought to tables all over the world.

  • Quality
  • Smell
  • Flavor
  • Consistency


The sauce has a bright red color, typical of this tomato. Perfect for seasoning first courses or to use as a base to enrich with other ingredients for sauces with stronger and more decisive flavors.

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