Ready-made sauce Bella Palermo Datterino tomato Brothers Contour

Ready-made sauce Bella Palermo Datterino tomato Brothers Contour

The Contorno Bella Palermo datterino tomato sauce belongs to the Sicilian culinary culture of the Contorno family. It was put on the market this year, taking into account the particular recognition obtained by the city of Palermo which became the Italian Capital of Culture 2018. Food is the expression of the culture of a people ... Food and culture are an archaic combination, which today is part of our beautiful Palermo, a symbol par excellence of the integration between the different races that have alternated and succeeded, giving life to a millenary gastronomic cultural unicum. Even today, with its one hundred years of history, Fratelli Contorno celebrates and testifies to the Sicilian gastronomic tradition by marketing the ready-made Bella Palermo datterino tomato sauce.

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